Saturday, April 18, 2009

St. Louis Exorcism: 60 Years Later

Today marks 60 years since the third and final exorcism of a young boy from Washington D.C. The exorcism of this unnamed child would later serve as the inspiration for William Peter Blatty's novel The Exorcist which in turn led to the 1973 movie starring Linda Blair. The real life exorcism case had three separate key locations where events took place; the boy's house (see The Saint Louis Exorcist House), a rectory in St. Louis (see The Old Rectory at St. Louis Xavier College Church) and the hospital where the final exorcism took place (see Old Alexian Brothers Hospital). While the final location was torn down in the 1970s, the pavement of the parking lot that took its place is said to constantly crack in the spot where the exorcism took place.

Pay a visit to the site of the Old Alexian Brothers Hospital.

-Tom G

1 comment:

karebear said...

My Father was there when this was going on. Said it was scary you could hear the noises down on the 4th floor where my father was at.